Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 7:00 PM
The Deep End New York, NY
(347) 689-4996
Lick 'em like a lollipop should be licked! Toronto's TRADE returns to NYC after Gaywatch came through and saved some lives during World Pride.

Limited advance tickets available. Act fast to snatch them up:
Tier #1 : $8
Tier #2 : $12
Tier #3: $15
Tickets at door for $20

Dj Nita Aviance
DJ Scooter McCreight
DJwilliam Francis

Hosted by:
Boy Radio

Door host: Saef

Look suggestions: Reese's Peanut Butter Slut, Fruit Roll Up, a lollipop, Puppy Rocks, Ring Pop, S&Ms, actually cover your body in candy and let us eat it off.

Dancefloor / Dark Room / Candy Table

This is an inclusive space. No misogyny, transphobia, body shaming, or general assholes being tolerated. So don't try it.