Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 9:32 AM
Stockholm Stockholm, 瑞典
Stockholm Pride 2024: Stronger together
In recent years, our community has faced new challenges and setbacks. In various countries, hard-won rights have been questioned and revoked. Even in Sweden, we’re witnessing a tougher political climate and an intensified public debate. These challenges predominantly target certain parts of our community – some of us are more vulnerable than others.

With this year’s theme, we want to remind everyone of the most important principles of our community and, by extension, one of the fundamental principles of Swedish democracy: the equal value of all individuals, the right for everyone to embrace their true selves, and the freedom for all to love whom they choose. If these rights can be questioned for one person, they can be questioned for us all. This is an injustice we can never tolerate.

We recognize that the rights of all individuals are a collective responsibility. Our community is built on love and respect, a collaborative effort that transcends backgrounds. We stand united for one another, amplifying the voices of those silenced and oppressed. When someone feels overwhelmed by isolation, drowned out by oppressive f****s, we – the community – stand ready to advocate for them. Together, we are stronger.