The LA Kinky Weirdos Munch 事件
The LA Kinky Weirdos Munch
The LA Kinky Weirdos Munch is one of the most inclusive and diverse BDSM munches in the city. A perfect event for newcomers to the scene!

LA Kinky Weirdos is a collective of kinksters in the LA County area. We originally started on our sizeable Discord server during the pandemic and have since expanded into a monthly meetup and munch, quickly becoming one of the biggest in LA! The LA Kinky Weirdos Munch is not a play party but a large gathering at the beautiful bar/restaurant The Trophy Wife in Silverlake! We host on the outside patio as we try to be covid-conscious. If you're worried about being an introvert, you'll be in good company! Everyone who comes to this event is eager to meet new people.

LA Kinky Weirdos was created out of a desire for a more thoughtful and inclusive space for kinksters to socialize. Created by a black transgender woman, LAKW prides itself on being the kind of event where the full diversity of our community is on full display! Come as yourself!

We are an entertaining and often fashionable bunch, so this year, we wanted to have monthly prompts to add more fun! It's not required, just fun.

Jan - Y2K

Feb - Wear Something Red/Pink

March - Wear Something Green

April - Super Hero

May - Wear Something Floral

June - 90s Grunge

July - Cosplay

Aug - Ren Faire

Sep - Back to School

Oct - Wear your Halloween Costume

Nov - Gothic

Dec - Glitter/Sequins


This is a vaccinated only event. We respect that rules around vaccinations have been lifted for public gatherings, but we want to protect those in our community who are more vulnerable to the virus. Out of respect for those people and our community, please only come to the event if you’ve been vaccinated.
You must be 18+ to attend this event.
Please keep your attire vanilla. We are a group of very fashionable folks, but we do not want to draw unwanted attention to our group. Please do not, for example, walk your submissive in on leash.
Respect the boundaries and consent of others. Just because this is a kink-positive space does not mean everyone in this space is comfortable with touch or the rapid assumption of familiarity. Do not touch, grope or in any way m****t someone without their consent. Additionally, keep any that does happen to a minimum. This is still not a kink party and still a very public venue where c******n are occasionally present.
A*****l Consumption is for people who are 21+ only. Our current venue is a restaurant and a bar, meaning people under the age of 18 are technically allowed at the venue. However, a*****l consumption is still illegal for those under the age of 21. We are in good standing with the venue and we do not want to risk that by allowing or covering u******e d******g. If you are under the age of 21 and over the age of 18, you are allowed to come to our munch, but you will be asked to leave if we catch you consuming a*****l. Those who provide the a*****l will also be asked to leave as well. Providing and consuming a*****l illegally at this event is grounds for removal from our community. Please respect this rule.
If you’ve been banned from our community, you are also banned from our events. While you do not need to be part of our server to attend this event, if you’ve been banned from our server, you are also banned from our in-person events and will be asked to leave. Generally speaking, if you’ve been banned from our server, you’ve done something particularly heinous or v******d someone in some way. We do not want that energy around our in-person gatherings
Respect the boundaries and consent of others. Just because this is a kink-positive space does not mean everyone in this space is comfortable with touch or the rapid assumption of familiarity. Do not touch, grope or in any way m****t someone without their consent. Additionally, keep any that does happen to a minimum. This is still not a kink party and still a very public venue where c******n are occasionally present.
Please report bad behavior to the organizer