poniedziałek, 17 czerwca 2024 07:47
Mr. Leather Chicago, IL
International Mr. Leather™ welcomes you to IML 2024.
IML is excited to announce a venue change for the Victory Party. After a very long run and lots of fun years at our old venue we are pleased to announce a new venue and new ticketing policy.

The Sunday Victory Party moves to The Concord Music Hall for IML 46. Due to venue requirements, we are no longer able to offer tickets through IML Packages. Ticket sales require utilization of the venue’s existing ticketing agent. For those who have already purchased their Premium Reserve IML Package including the Sunday, Victory Party, we will honor that ticket commitment. For ticket package sales going forward we have removed the Victory Party from the package. With the change, this dance party becomes a featured event of IML still showcasing the IML Winners and continuing service by the IML transportation system.