Kinky people
Bastinado is a painful practice, consisting in feet striking with elastic or flexible devices. In the BDSM practice for bastinado participants use a stack, rods or a small whip, which have a superficial effect.
History. Earlier, in the Middle Ages, and in some countries of Asia and Africa and before the beginning of the 20th century, the bastinado was used as punishment in judicial practice. It was also used to punish negligent students. The word bastinado (there is also a "bastonado" option) comes from the French word bastonnade, which in turn comes from the old French baston - a stick, and the related words from English and German. In the countries of the East, the name "falaka" is used: the very word "falak" means a stick; it was a name for a special pole with a rope, to which the legs are attached. It is interesting that it is from the Turkic word "falakchi" (the name of the person carrying out the punishment by falaka) Russian word "executioner" occurs. In BDSM practice bastinado has also been used for a very long time. For example, the Austrian psychiatrist, creator of the terms "sadism" and "masochism" Richard Kraft-Ebing in the work "Sexual psychopathy" (1886), writes about one of his patients: "He always appeared at the appointed time with leather straps, lashes, whips. He undressed, then he was tied up with legs and arms with belts he brought, and the prostitute slapped him on the soles of his legs, back, buttocks until he ejaculates.
Devices. For bastinado subject members use a short light stack or a flexible cane, a short rod, which have a superficial effect. When working with a stack, it is better to use a cracker, not the body of the stack itself. Bastinado is not suitable for wooden spanker devices, heavy sticks and any other hard tools.
Methods of influence. There are two options of bastinado in BDSM practice. First - Bottom pronates, his feet are placed on the stand - it can be special high enough pads or simply improvised means, to which the legs are fixed with ropes or chausses. A reliable fixation is important to avoid involuntary movements, which, with a small area of allowable exposure, can lead to injuries. At the same time, if pads are used, they should not create the danger of injury by friction. Second - use of bondage methods, in which the legs are fixed in the raised position, and the stand is not used. Typically, Top is holding an ankle with his left hand.
Risks and precautions. Bastinado is a much more dangerous practice than flogging on the back or buttocks. Excessive exposure can cause permanent injury. Feet are an area where the surface itself has many small and fragile bones and tendons that can be damaged easily. On the soles there are many nerve endings, a hit to the soles can damage the nerve, which provides functions not only of the legs, but of the whole body. Therefore, it is necessary to understand exactly where the endings of nerve endings are located, and to avoid influencing these points, so as not to cause long-lasting injuries. In addition, the areas adjacent to the feet: heels and fingers can be protected, for example by wrapping them with a cloth, leaving only the sole soles naked. Do not hit hard: if the buttocks are bruised - that is normal, but bruised feet are absolutely unacceptable. Moreover, do not leave scars.