or "Stop, bastards"
The term “Stop bastards” was not coined by the author of this article. The movement under this name appeared several years ago, and unites under its auspices uncompromising fighters with p********s. According to the non-profit organization Monitoring Center for Identifying Dangerous and Legally Prohibited Content, about 150 thousand c******n fall victim in Russia annually. Unfortunately, there are no exact statistics on the number of p********s in a particular region, but with a certain error it can be assumed that only in Russia there are at least 50 thousand p********s.
And so, the resource, disguised as a site for fans of the BDSM sub-culture, but in fact being the real headquarters gangs - is the largest and most dangerous Internet resource ! Of course, such a serious charge is not worth a penny without bringing serious and irrefutable evidence.
This resource was created back in 2009, and at that time it was located in the domain zone ru, i.e. bore the name He allegedly positioned himself as a resource for fans of sado-masochism and fetishism, and was one of many sites devoted to BDSM topics. The first "bell" that this site in focus rang in 2010 when one of the site users published this post: (link archive, in case the original was deleted:
One of the users found on the site (I emphasize, on the site where the c******n absolutely no place!) A c***d, and wrote about this to the administration. Alone, finding a c***d on an adult site is not something out of the ordinary: it could be a very curious and independent lad, or just a fake, which, in fact, is not a c***d at all.
Administration response:
"Thank you for your attention to BDSMPEOPLE.RU! In the Russian Federation, the age of sexual consent is 16 years. The age of sexual consent is in criminal law the age from which a person is considered capable of giving informed consent to sexual relations with another person."
It doesn’t matter if bdsmpeople administrators are aware of the content of paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which reads as follows: “A person who is under the age of eighteen is recognized as a c***d”. Instead of either agreeing with the complaint about the appearance of the c***d on the site, the administration began to argue, and what is called - completely exposed itself.
But let's leave aside this complaint and the answer to it for a second. Indeed, it could theoretically be that the user, by publishing the administration’s response justifying the c***d’s presence on the site, simply lied. Check this out.
And the unique site (project launch date - 1996) will help us: If someone is not in the know - this is the only resource that collects and stores copies of almost all sites. So, we are interested in the so-called "Agreement on the provision of services."
At the moment - there is nothing criminal there, but in order to find out what the "Agreement on the provision of services" was in 2010, we open the link: /
There, as you see, it is written that a 16-year-old c***d may well visit the bdsmpeople website! Subsequently, the administrators, for the sake of conspiracy, changed 16 to 18, but in 2010 - they were not afraid of anything, and declared their tendency to p********a almost openly!
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