Femdom (female domination) is a format of interaction of partners in BDSM, any practices and relationships in which the Top is a woman. "Femdom" includes both single action games and sessions, as well as relations in constant pairs, both in DS-pairs and in pairs, where decision-making rights are not transferred, and there is only a status inequality. Femdom is not only interpersonal relations of domination and subordination, it includes both SM-action games and BD-games. The defining sign is only one - in the femdom woman is the Top, while in the maledom man is the Top. Strictly speaking, femdom can be both heterosexual and same-sex, but in the latter case this term is used much less often due to a certain ambiguity. Therefore, as a rule, femdom is the interaction between the Top woman and the bottom man. From the foregoing it follows that in the femdom one can apply practically the entire spectrum of BDSM practices - painful, bondage, game, fetish, sexual, etc. However, differences in the psychology of men and women, as well as the different prevalence of fetishes in them, as well as natural physiological differences, lead to the fact that some practices in femdom are more common and others are less. On the use of painful practices and bondage, there are no significant differences between femdom and maledom. All SM practices - be it spanking, needles, knives or others - are used in the femdom, with the addition, however, and specific (for example, ballbusting). Equally common in the femdom and the DS relationship - although the psychological and purely "technical" differences in this case are very large. In particular, in constant femdom pairs (and not only DS of pairs), usually much more attention is paid to etiquette than to maledom ones. Fetish practices in femdom are much more common, since the absolute majority of the bottom fetishists are men. This includes a foot fetish in various versions, a medical fetish, golden rain and much more. Page play, as well as domestic slavery are practice almost exclusively for femdom. For obvious reasons, the same applies to feminization, and a number of sexual practices (for example, strap-on).