Figging is a sexual, as well as painful (in BDSM) practice of applying peeled ginger, sometimes other substances that cause b***d flow and burning, to the vagina, external genitals or anus. The word figging translates to revitalization, so the practice is often called "ginger revitalization." Ginger revitalization can be applied to both men and women. Figging has been known since antiquity as a punishment. The juice of the root contains essential oils, particularly gingerols and shogaols, which irritate the mucosa, resulting in a burning sensation. However, when the root is applied to the clitoris and vagina, many women experience increased sexual arousal, meaning it has an aphrodisiac effect. This practice can be used as a stand-alone or to enhance sensation before flogging or sex, particularly before strapon sex to reduce discomfort. Fisting technique. It is possible to enhance sensations by wilting ginger. To do this, the root should be hidden in a plastic bag or wrapped in film, and a few days (3-4) stored in the refrigerator After this root will become softer, while its skin may become discolored, sometimes there may be traces of mold - these phenomena are normal. The juice will sting much more! Whether you use fresh ginger or wilted ginger, the technique is the same. An anal plug or a small dildo is cut from the root, depending on where you intend to apply the root. It is easiest to process one of the root's offshoots, from which the peel is simply peeled off. The cut plug should have a fairly large "handle" on the outside. When using the ginger anally, a circular depression in front of this outer part is necessary, up to which the root is inserted. The sphincter in this case will prevent the "anal plug" from falling through. When using ginger externally, on the clitoris, you can cut a small triangle with a recess for it. The action of the juice begins in a few minutes, and lasts up to half an hour. The strength of the effect can be different - everything is determined individually. Lubricant during insertion is not used - it reduces the strength of the effect. You can moisten the ginger with water. The most important element of safety will be a properly cut anal plug or dildo, eliminating the possibility of missing them inside. Ginger juice causes a strong burning sensation and should not be allowed to get into the eyes. The juice can be washed off with water. It should be taken into account that the burning causes involuntary sphincter clenching, from which the juice is released more strongly, and the burning increases. This can have an interesting effect during flogging with an inserted anal plug, because by tensing the muscles in anticipation of the blow, the bottom increases the burning. As stimulation and for pain, also use balm "Zvezdochka" (externally), and other variants. However, all of them act harder, secondly, do not give such an opportunity to vary sensations, and finally, do not have the effect of an aphrodisiac. Therefore, ginger root is the best option. Note. Sometimes the word "figging" refers to the use of various vegetables (e.g. cucumber) to stimulate the genitals, but of course this is wrong, because the essence of the practice is not in masturbation, but in chemical action.