Sadomasochism is a person's preference for forms of sexual activity that involve pain and humiliation, as well as a sense of dependence on a partner. Medicine refers to sadomasochism as a disorder of sexual preference, or in other words, sexual deviation. In Latin, the word deviation means deviation. Sadomasochism can appear in various forms (in particular, it can be separately sadism or masochism), and combined with other deviations: for example, fetishism, exhibitionism, and many others. Sadomasochism, if it does not lead to social maladaptation, is not a disease, that is, it does not require treatment. To socialize sadomasochists and the subculture of BDSM emerged. ICD-10 International Classification of Diseases definition. "Sadomasochism (F65.5): Sexual craving for acts that involve inflicting pain or causing humiliation and dependence. If the individual prefers to be the object of such stimulation, it is masochism; if the perpetrator, it is sadism. Often an individual achieves sexual arousal from both sadistic and masochistic acts." Thus, the concept of sadomasochism includes all three components: pain, power, humiliation, if necessary for sexual satisfaction of any of the three speak of sadomasochism. It should be noted that most modern researchers believe that pain (physical or moral) is only a tool and a symbol of power, and a way to transfer control or feel it. Although many masochists deny the importance of submission for themselves and insist that they care about "pure pain," such claims are refuted by the fact that self (self-inflicted pain) cannot substitute for practicing with a sadist. Elements of sadomasochism in play. Periodically, elements of sadomasochistic practices are used by many "normal" couples. This use of S&M stimulation to increase sexual arousal is not in itself a sign of deviance, nor is it grounds for diagnosis. One speaks of sadomasochism only when sadomasochistic activity becomes the most significant (or the only) component of sexual stimulation and is necessary for sexual satisfaction. For so-called "game players" sadomasochistic practices are a prelude to sex, while for sadomasochists they are sex itself.