Code in BDSM
The Code in BDSM is a document that fixes the ethical norms that have developed in a club or other thematic community, as well as rules for the interaction of members of this community with each other. That is, the Code, first of all, sets ethical standards that community members voluntarily take upon themselves the obligation to comply with, and supplements them with the norms of the Protocol. It should be understood that: - The Code is a club document and acts only within the framework of the community that accepted it. Non-included subject players in intra-pair interactions can be guided by certain norms and declare their recognition. - The Single Code, which is the same for all subject players, does not exist. Even within the club for which the Code operates, each couple changes and supplements its content in the part of the intrapair Protocol - in that it does not concern common ethical standards and interactions with other members of the club. The most known is the Code of the European LS-DS Community, consisting of two parts, the Master Code and the Slave Code. It is forbidden to publish these complementary parts separately, because without the rigid rules that determine the responsibility of the Master, the standards defining the duties of the slave look meaningless, and vice versa. It should be borne in mind that this Code, focused specifically on the features of the DS relationship. Warnings. On some sites are laid out the so-called "jerk codes." The difference between these codes and the real ones is obvious. Club Codes fix a single system of ethical standards for the Upper and Lower, "jerk ones" are focused on the duties of the slave, emphasizing her lack of rights, and regulating her behavior to the smallest detail. Many details of such codes can be fetish fun for parties or for a session, but not by rules for everyday life. This, by the way, shows well that such codes were written by people for whom it is a session game.