Etiquette and Protocol in BDSM
A protocol is a system of rules operating in a thematic couple - usually in a ds relationship. The Protocol regulates not only the rules of behavior of the saba, her interaction with the Dominant, but to a greater or lesser extent various interactions with people - and even usually not only the saba, but both partners. The purpose of the Protocol in any couple is to create a set of rules that facilitate the interaction between the Dominant and the saba and make it possible to constantly feel the connection - not only mentally, but also in actions. Etiquette is a part of the Protocol that refers specifically to the rules of saba behavior. Etiquette also applies to DB games, especially those that have a 24/7 format (because DB can also be non-session). And in DB these rules can be even more detailed and stricter - because there their observance is an essential part of the practice. The word Etiquette also has a second meaning: some rules of behavior, operating in a certain club or at a party. This meaning of the word Etiquette brings it closer to common usage. Protocol in BDSM. In general, we can say that Protocol covers a wider range of issues, including, as a component part, Etiquette. And the word Protocol is used mainly in the combination "Protocol Ds" - although sometimes it is also used as a synonym of Etiquette. They distinguish the so-called High Protocol - the most strict, it is the Protocol of etiquette meetings, and everyday, which takes into account the fact that the couple lives in a vanilla environment and can not demonstrate the special nature of their relationship. Earlier, more variants of the Protocol were also distinguished, but the general trend towards simplification has led to the leveling of their differences. There is no single Protocol suitable for all subjects, nor is there a single Protocol for all couples. Intra-couple Protocol is based on the traditions of the Community, club Codes (for Russia this point is not relevant) and personal preferences of the Upper. Etiquette in BDSM. Basically, Etiquette regulates four things: saba's behavior, her appearance, speech and relationship with the Upper. All of these elements are so closely intertwined that it is often difficult to determine exactly what a particular item regulates. There are a number of rules here that are common to most couples by virtue of tradition. Some rules merely fix the relationship that naturally develops in the couple (even if it was declared at the beginning - as a goal that the saba will come to later). Others are simply formulated by the Upper, controlled from day one, and the saba has to make an effort to fulfill them later on. The Upper, especially in S/S, should distinguish them and take into account this feature, in the first case - letting the relationship "mature", in the second - stimulating saba to fulfill the rules.