Spanking: Extended

Flogging is a painful practice in BDSM, inflicting blows with various implements. Purposes of flogging. Flogging for the sake of sadomasochistic pleasure can be conducted for sabspace, for orgasm, or for catharsis (tears). The result is determined by a combination of several conditions: the peculiarities of the masochist's reaction, the psychological context of the action, and the method of flogging. Pleasure in the first two variants can be present directly in the process of flogging or felt later, in the case of flogging for catharsis is obtained after the action. At the same time, it is possible to obtain within one action sequentially obtaining first orgasm and then catharsis. Other combinations are impossible, due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background. The above mentioned three variants of goals are given from the point of view of the bottom, from the sadist's point of view the goal is pleasure from feedback, painful or positive - that is from the reactions of the bottom. In addition to flogging for pleasure from pain-related physiological effects, there is: - Punishment flogging, in which there is no goal of pleasure for either partner. The purpose of this flogging is firstly to change the behavior of the lower, and secondly to restore harmony in the relationship, a sense of redemption. - Fetish flogging, in which the important thing is not so much the pain and physiological effects of it, as the fetish for the fact of flogging, the symbolism of "punishment", subordination, and so on. Both punishment and fetish flogging belong to DB practices, in the first case it is a disciplinary practice (though it would be a punishment in a ds-couple), in the second case it is a play practice. Methods of flogging. According to the used devices the following ways of flogging are distinguished: - Flagellation - flogging with long flexible implements (flogger, whip, whip, etc.) Devices can be both leather and rope (traditional sea "cats"), metal from chains ("silver rain", etc.), or from other material. - Spanking - spanking with rigid wide devices: paddles, belt or belt implements (tongs, slippers, etc.) - Sectioning - impact with elastic devices: birch or rattan cane, as well as stack. It should be noted that in all cases it is not only about the difference of devices, but usually about the psychology of the action and its goals. For example, spanking is often framed as game punishment, and the action is "for tears", sometimes for orgasm, and very rarely for subspace. Separate types of flogging. There are types of flogging, the instruments of which can not be attributed to one of the above groups, for example, flogging with nettles, or devices that combine shock and electricity. There are also separate variants of flogging, classified by the place of impact, such as bastinado - flogging of feet, flogging of genitals. Methods of flogging. Each type of flogging (flagellation, section, spanking) has its own methodology, which allows to achieve the necessary effect, while minimizing the risk. The methodology includes permissible and inadmissible areas for impact, division of action into a number of stages, different variants of poses of the bottom during flogging, its fixation, different stances of the sadist, types of blows, alternation of their f***e and pace, and much more. Created a large number of different tools for flogging - about a hundred types, especially a lot of them for flagellation. But only the psychological context of the action and the method of influence decide what the result of the flogging will be. The same instrument can be used to flog the same bottom for pleasure (in any of the three variants) and for punishment (only pain without pleasure).