Haji is a practice of education and psychological training developed in Japan, which is important not only in BDSM, but also in various spheres of life - for example, when training beginners in martial arts. As applied to BDSM, it is the practice of training a sabmissive based on verbal humiliation during special haji sessions. Although it is verbal humiliation, the practice of haji is fundamentally different from what is commonly referred to as playful humiliation, both in purpose and methodology. The goals of haji sessions are to increase the psychological stability of the bottom, not her sexual arousal and pleasure, nor the Upper's sense of power, as in playful humiliation. Further, if game humiliation is usually short-term and represents only one of the types of influences changing in the course of the session, hadzi session represents a long (several hours) rigid verbal influence. The lower is usually fixed, the upper does not touch her. Often such influence is conducted in public. In addition, if at game humiliation arsenal is quite limited, in Hadzi it is much wider. Allowed much stronger impact, including on the psychological "pain points" of a particular bottom. Hadzi is designed to make the bottom insensitive to the impact on these points, and to all other attempts to hurt her. At the same time, in the process of such a session, the bottom has the only psychological support: the understanding that the Upper knows better what is needed and will not hurt her. From what has been said, it is clear that Hadzi is a practice suitable only for permanent couples that have existed for a long time, in which a high level of trust has developed. And its purpose is to make the couple whole. Just as the purpose of similar influence of mentors on beginners during psychological training in martial arts schools is to make them part of a team. Haji requires great skill: not calculating the f***e of influence, you can lose the confidence of the lower. It is better to gain experience and learn about the "pitfalls" under the guidance of an Upper experienced in this practice.