Sensory deprivation
Sensory deprivation is a psychological practice, restriction of signals coming from the sensory organs or a complete deprivation of the bottom's possibility to use sight, touch, hearing, sometimes other senses during the action. The term comes from the Latin words sensus - feeling and deprivatio - loss, deprivation. Sensory deprivation is used in BDSM for various purposes. Partial sensory deprivation is a deprivation of the ability to see and hear, for example, the use of a bandage on the eyes, ear plugs, special leather helmets, etc. is a simple and safe way to sharpen feelings. In this case, limitation of vision activates the hearing, and the addition of the hearing limitation makes the effect of influences unexpectedness even stronger. In combination with rope bondage or handcuffs, this allows you to make sensations from physical influences much brighter. Use of a complete sensory deprivation, for example, in the form of mummification, is a more complex option that allows solving several problems. If mummification is used for subsequent influences on the "mummy", it creates a feeling of complete helplessness (like bondage), and can be used as an element of SM-practices or sexual games. And if the "mummy" is left alone, this practice will make it possible to turn off the control of what is happening from the bottom's side as much as he can not only do something, but does not see or feel anything at all. This method is based on trust in the Top, and allows you to show this trust most fully. In addition, ability to close in the inner world and focus on one's own experiences can itself be a very interesting experience. With mummification comes relaxation, then the processes of subconscious analysis become active, the state of the altered consciousness, and other effects can arise. Floating Flotation is the most complete sensory deprivation, in which not only sight, hearing and touch are excluded, but also other sensory organs that are usually forgotten - the temperature receptors and the vestibular apparatus (why the orientation in space is lost). In a special chamber of sensory deprivation, a person is immersed in a salts solution, having a temperature and density close to the temperature and density of the body, and closing the chamber, leaving it in the darkness and silence. In these conditions, with the complete absence of external signals, there are also various psychological effects. Safety precautions. Partial sensory deprivation, in which the bottom can be quickly released, can be considered safe, if not used for a long time. The only contraindication for her is a phobia. Mummification, like other options for complete sensory deprivation, requires special precautions. First of all, in a state of altered consciousness that comes after a while, involuntary movements often arise, and to avoid injuries the bottom must lie or be securely fixed. You can not leave him alone. In addition, sensory deprivation can cause panic attacks that are fraught with serious psychological traumas. In case of panic attacks, the bottom should be immediately released by cutting the covers, for which you need to have scissors (preferably special surgical ones). There are a number of other points that need to be foreseen. Note. It is necessary to use the phrase "sensory deprivation", without cutting it, because the separate word "deprivation" is ambiguous, and it is used in different areas: for example, there is social deprivation, emotional deprivation, and so on.