Thematic Relationship: How to Survive the Breakup?
Breaking any relationship is a painful and difficult process. In thematic pairs, everything can be much deeper, because the relationship between partners is established much stronger than usual. But what if this relationship comes to an end?
Interrogate Your Pain – Let Yourself Feel
The first and main advice that all experts give is not to hide emotions in yourself. Are you in pain? Live this pain, pour it out, sublimate it (most importantly, not into the session) – in a word, find a way to release these emotions and feel them in their entirety.
Just do not try to dive deeper into this pain and drown in it. You do not need depression at all, and this is the right path to it. Feel, but do not dive headlong.
Let Go of The Past – Leave the Past in The Past
Recognize that the relationship has ended. It doesn’t matter if it was your mutual decision, or your partner left you, the result is important – the relationship is over. Full stop. No need to mentally return to it all, try to hold on to the past. No more, leave it there and work on the present. Let go of your past relationship – free yourself and free your partner. Now you have different paths.
Forgive – No Matter How Severe the Pain and Resentment
This will sound strange, but this is your final step. Forgiveness is the most difficult stage. It’s very difficult to forgive anyone because for this you need to truly experience warm feelings for a person. Agree, if a partner left you without warning, you will not feel the warmth very soon, especially if you will not do anything for this. Instead of constantly focusing on resentment, focus on your pleasant memories.
After all, you were once happy together. You have gained invaluable experience, tried interesting things and shared strong positive emotions together. Thank your partner for this. But not in words, but feel this gratitude, realize it with all your being as if it was your task in the session. Following gratitude, forgiveness will come.
Meet New People – Stay in A Circle of Like-Minded People
You will need this for two reasons. First, at such moments it is important to be with those who understand your condition and are able to support. And the second is to find a new partner. Yes, you should not immediately get involved in a new relationship or fill the void inside with someone else, but trying not to get hung up and meet new ones is highly recommended.
It is not necessary to say right away that your past relationship ended in failure, but be honest and tell about your fears and their reason. It is not just time that will help you recover after parting, but the ability to use it rationally – be productive always and in everything.