Just Not in The Face!
A blow to the face is almost always associated with violence, a blow to the face of a woman is associated with domestic violence and most often causes sharp condemnation and rejection by society. However, everything is completely different in BDSM. Today we learn the essence, theory and basics of security of unusual practices.
Submission + Humiliation + Pain =?
A good weighty slap on the ass only makes a pair, preferring relations on the verge of what is permitted. But a slap is the face can cause serious injury, both psychological and physical. Therefore, before applying this in your Bottom, it is necessary to discuss possible prospects.
A slap in the face is not just a way to show who is in charge here and point to a place at the feet of the Master. It is also an opportunity to quickly and effectively bring a partner to the subspace. How? The combination of total submission, humiliation and pain acts as a catalyst on the body of the Bottom and the path to catharsis become triple shorter. But still you need to be careful – this practice does not turn on every thematic.
Do It Right
The basic rule, SVR, is observed even in practice, which seems to be harmless at first glance. And slapping in the face cannot be called a safe practice. Slapping too hard can not only cause excessive pain to the partner, but also cause serious injury. Therefore, it is so important that the Dominant is skillful in this practice.
- Slap only with your fingers. The base of the palm, where a large f***e is concentrated, is not involved at all.
- The slap is weighed on the cheekbone and “fleshy” part of the cheek, bypassing the lower jaw and ear. Since these areas are most often injured when improperly slapping the face.
- Each slap must have a target, this is not a banal blow. This may be a punishment, humiliation or necessary measure. But all this must be said out loud.
- To succeed, a couple must have achieved the maximum degree of trust.
In addition, the Dominant must constantly control the process: the f***e of the blow, his emotions, monitor the condition of his submissive, the discharge for which may occur at any time. The pleasure of the Top is how the Bottom becomes a helpless and trusting creature in his hands.
At the end of the session or the part where the slaps were the key point, it is important to take care of the partner: hug, pet, squeeze, – depending on preferences and established rules. In this also lies another difference in violent beating from sensual BDSM practice. Remember: this is a practice for experienced thematics who know what they are doing.