
Pet-play is an animal role-playing game in which the bottom plays the role of the animal and the Top plays the role of its master. Pet-play is closely related not only to BDSM, but also to other subcultures, particularly furries, and depending on who is playing the game, and for what purpose, it may or may not be a BDSM practice. Pony play, as part of BDSM, has primarily sadomasochistic motives. It is an opportunity for the bottom to remove any social responsibility during the game, to feel completely subordinate, humiliated by the loss of human form, and for the Top - an opportunity to feel complete power over the partner. Besides, in this game there is also pain (with various punishments), elements of exhibitionism, as well as fetish (for example, on latex or milk), other deviations may also be important. In all cases, in order to easily create the emotional effect of the associations, one is guided by the established cultural symbolism, those traits that are considered inherent to a given animal. For example, a bitch in European culture is one of the symbols of sexual activity and insatiability in sex - and the fact that in reality she may only mate once a year is irrelevant. Pet-play variations. There are many variants of pet-play - the most popular are dog-play, pony-play, cat-play, piggy-play, as well as playing cow, sheep, and so on: the choice of animal roles for pet-play is not exhausted by these variants. Dog-play, dog play, is one of the traditional and most widespread in BDSM, the parallels with dogs are facilitated by the general symbolism of the subculture (wearing a collar), and the word "bitch" used by many for playful humiliation, as well as the name of some sex positions, and other moments. Dogs are fed, fed, trained, taken for walks on a leash and muzzled. Here we can also add the practice of dogging, although not a part of BDSM, but also used by publicity-loving thematicists, and perfectly combined with dog-play. However, the sexual context and sex in dog-play is present in most cases. Less common variants of collective entertainment include "dogfights" and "dog" shows. Pony-play, or pony play, is an independent type of pet-play that has several distinct trends, and its own developed subculture. There are dressage ponies, harness ponies, riding ponies, and rabber ponies. There are national and international associations that organize amateur pony-players, exhibitions, competitions, etc. This variant of the game uses the largest amount of ammunition. Cat-play, or cat-play, is also a traditional variant of BDSM play. Many women associate themselves with cats. The game is usually played with minimal paraphernalia (tail on a plug, cat ears, etc.), but there are also cat costumes used for latex fetish or other types of fetishism. The cat does not necessarily have to be a domestic cat - there are also variants of leopards and tigresses that have come from furries, in which playful "costumes" are created by means of body art. Piggy-play (playing a pig) is less widespread than those described above. This is due to the prevailing perception of the pig as a dirty animal. Piggy-play is sometimes used for humiliation in femdom. It can be combined with fetish play (coprophilia, urinophilia). Cow play is a rather specific variant of pet-play, in which so-called erotic milking can be used. There is both a sexual motive and a fetish for milk (lactophilia). Although erotic milking is not usually practiced in the form of pet-play, this game variant gives additional possibilities.